Essay writing for kids
Traumatic Experiences Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Innovation Trends In The Food Industry The Case of Functional Foods
Question: Examine about the Report on Innovation Trends In The Food Industry for The Case of Functional Foods? Answer: Official Summary The brand FruUgle, was shaped after the items that it will sell, which will be natural product that might be depicted as unappealing by general stores to sell. It is an online based business serving clients around London until it ventures into another city. The organization's principle objective is a moral one, as its point is to show how Fruit Vegetables are squandered and how less attractive natural product is maintained a strategic distance from by general stores. A monetary objective the organization has set, is venturing into new territories, they intend to extend in the third year of the business into Manchester, which hence implies it should be very productive so as to arrive at this. Other than these objectives, the future projections of the business will get productive inside the initial a year and to make a benefit of at any rate 8,000 after duty, which will be all that anyone could need to carry on the business into the subsequent year. Thought and Company Description FruUgle is an online based business gaining practical experience in helping individuals set aside cash by permitting them to buy new foods grown from the ground at a low cost. FruUgle will have the option to give a lower cost to their clients as the produce will be classed as unappealing by stores. The clients can either purchase the items as an irregular exchange or as a memberships bundle at a marginally decreased rate.The membership bundle will be conveyed week after week or at regular intervals. It will spare their time as they won't need to buy the produce every week. They will at that point convey the item to the client at their soonest comfort. The business will be the main assistance of this nature in this nation, anyway there two comparative organizations working which are in America. (Defective, 2016) This is the reason this will speak to cost cognizant buyers who are searching for a deal. It will moreover pull in customers who are searching for items with from a moral perspective as FruUgle would sell products that would typically be squandered. The administration would contribute in killing food squander which is right now at 6.7 Million tons every year for family squander. The vast majority of this is avoidable nourishments, for example, potatoes at 359,000 tons and apples likening to 178,000 tons. (Ventour 2008, April (Revised July)) The principle contenders can be gathered into two gatherings, blocks and cement and as of now settled food conveyance organizations; Grocery stores Green Grocers Ranchers markets Leafy foods conveyance organizations They would like to contend with them by offering foods grown from the ground at a lower rate to the client and by being the first in the nation to offer earth moral new items. The business thought was impacted from an ecological point of view, where the group needed to roll out an improvement to how unappealing products of the soil were squandered where it despite everything has indistinguishable characteristics and taste from an ordinary looking natural product. Industry and Market investigation - Vasyl The subject thought centers around the improvement of administration conveyance arrangement in London for products of the soil. The produce sold will be reasonable as it will be from nearby stores, for example foods grown from the ground considered as faulty available to be purchased according to their principles. Nonetheless, our customers will have information on one or the other it is the explanation behind the low costs. By and by, despite the fact that our produce will be what the stores normally discard, the business will guarantee that they are not a danger to human wellbeing. It will make a stage to contend with the grocery stores and others conveyance frameworks, especially because of our low costs. Our clients will make sure about 7-day memberships as a major aspect of the benefit methodology notwithstanding associating with other cultivating systems. They will offer the main conveyance for nothing to draw in more clients and make brand reliability. Additionally, guaranteei ng the produce is in the correct size and has impeccable taste will be a piece of the plan. Industry The business will work in the nourishments business and will concentrate its business procedure on the products of the soil area of the whole nourishments industry. The nourishments business includes various items and administrations conveyed to the clients present in the comparing markets during the way toward conveying the food things. The significant focal point of the business in this industry will convey great quality foods grown from the ground to the clients at low costs with no unsafe consequences for the strength of the clients (Malla, 2013). The leafy foods segment of the nourishments business in the United Kingdom includes countless associations working in it and giving a scope of items and administrations to the clients present in the comparing markets. A portion of the market chains working in London are ASDA, Sainsburys, Tesco and Marks Spencer, who give comparative items to the clients. The business will have an upper hand over these enormous general store chains in the business in view of the low value contributions for the products of the soil dismissed by the huge grocery store chains. The foods grown from the ground business in London likewise includes the tasks of various other retail locations and wholesalers who give the clients comparable items as the new business (Wyness, 2012). The expansion in the solid way of life patterns of the clients present in the business sectors in London and Manchester, the products of the soil business can anticipate development later on. The residents of the relating markets are continuously following solid ways of life because of increment of attention to different illnesses and shortcomings because of absence of nutrients and proteins. This permits the products of the soil business to develop alongside the expansion request of the different sorts of vegetables and natural products which are plentiful in different minerals required for a decent wellbeing. Late worries about natural and sanitation in the food business have incited extending excitement for natural nourishments and vegetable age as a particular choice for standard items and undertakings. Besides, as more providers of natural nourishments and vegetables enter the business, it ends up being increasingly forceful and existing producers are required to wind up better instruments and systems that are progressively fruitful. Given the method of their subject movement, the business will have a higher ground as it will concentrate on a specific arrangement of customers. So the most recent ecological pattern in the comparing markets of activity is the utilization of natural food and vegetables. The clients present in the market are for the most part leaning toward natural nourishments and vegetables over the items with counterfeit substance. The most recent business pattern in the comparing business depends on the expanding request of the natural nourishments and vegetables, whic h thus causing the associations working in the business to give a wide scope of natural food sources and vegetables to the clients. The policy driven issues engaged with the business activities in the foods grown from the ground business are negligible as far as their negative consequences for the business. The association working in the relating business needs to follow certain rules and arrangements built up by the legislature, in their business activities of giving the items to the clients present in the comparing markets. Another policy centered issue is the standard of value set by the legislature of the relating market and the necessity of the business to keep up this base standard of value in their business items and administrations. Potential for improvement lies on the huge complement of the customer. With this produce business, giving the customer what he/she needs, when and how he/she needs more possibilities for flourishing (Yu Nagurney, 2013). Then again, observe that paying little mind to the likelihood that an intrigue exists for the natural items gracefully; there is no objective purpose behind doing as such except if it occurs for an advantage. Along these lines, successful showcasing will depend on after structure up a cautious advancing game plan that structures how to gracefully the produce constantly, dependably and at an advantage. This thus permits the business to have an ideal chance to get a great deal of the pieces of the overall industry by giving a wide scope of natural products of the soil to the clients at low costs. Natural and Business Trends The associations giving natural products of the soil in the relating markets target different areas of the business sectors to build the opportunity of progress and to diminish the opposition for the comparing industry activities. The measure of benefit one makes offering nourishments developed from the beginning to a great extent on where an association decides to put their stand. Everyone needs their produce remain to be clear to the goal people, preferably in a range with loads of person on foot movement. We need those people to buy the flawed create and use the free redemption administrations. In this manner, it is a brilliant idea to put the stand where people are presently searching for food, for instance, by a grocery store (in a perfect world for this business thought) or a farmer's business area. Likewise, it is indispensable to put significant thought on building the presentation. It is satisfactory to offer/pass on the produce out of cardboard boxes; in any case, one will expect an unrivaled response from customers in case they put a little effort into how their thing looks. Today, people revere great, appealing introductions for their food. Run of the mill Buyer - Target Market Understudies The understudies present in the comparing markets can be viewed as the focused on clients for the leafy foods sold by FruUgle because of the low cost of the items alongside not too bad quality. The understudies will lean toward the items at lower cost in contrast with different brands accessible in the market and the nice nature of th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Curriculam Vitae
Question: Talk about the Curriculam Vitae? Answer: Luiz Paulo Do Gado 47, poplar woods, ha99da Wembley, London Telephone no: ********9 Email id: Goal and vision: I am searching for a difficult field where I would get wide scope of extension to augment my psychological skyline, intensity of creative mind, energy, thorough reasoning and limitless interest, proficient ability and intrigue. Simultaneously, I am dependable and arduous enough to finish a specific work effectively. Carelessness and over fulfillment is past my creative mind. I love to commit my hundred percent for satisfying my main goal. I am having over one year involvement with free pickup and conveyance. Individual Detail: Name Luiz Paulo Do Gado Fathers Name Charles Dickens Contact Number Telephone no: ********9 Present Address 47, poplar woods, ha99da Wembley, London Instructive Qualification: Tutoring (optional) Newman Catholic College ESOL (level 1) School of North West London ESOL (level 2) School of North West London ESOL (level 3) School of North West London Specialized Qualification: Declaration in Information Technology Application Certificate in Advanced Java Extracurricular exercises: Certificate in Western Music Unique course in contemporary move structure Experience: I have worked in eurocar parts from April 2015 to January 2016. In this specific employment profile, I needed to convey various pieces of vehicle to the addresses of the buyers or to different organizations. It was a difficult activity as consumer loyalty was profoundly subject to my obligation. On the off chance that I neglected to convey the item in legitimate time, the clients got disappointed and it profoundly influenced on the picture of the association. Because of the individual issue, I needed to leave the activity in the erocar parts. From that point onward, I have gained three months involvement with the field of dispatch administrations from January 2016 to March 2016. My obligation in this specific employment profile was to convey the items just as letters to various locations of my region. Different Details: Date of birth 07.01 1991 Nationality English Religion Christian Sex Male Conjugal Status Single Language Known English Presentation: I do therefore pronounce and express that all the data referenced here and valid, right, and complete to the best of information and conviction. I can connect all the fundamental verification that will assist with supporting my candidature. All the pertinent information like scholastic endorsements, experience testaments, declarations for extra curricular exercises are appended herewith for your benefit. Additionally, my contact detail and the perpetual location have been referenced in my educational plan vitae. I would be accessible to give any fundamental input with respect to this issue. On the off chance that whenever the data is being discovered wrong; my candidature will be at risk as dropped with no additional data to me. Moreover, my candidature would be at risk for making any vital legitimate move against me. Along these lines, I will be exceptionally obliged on the off chance that you compassionately experience in detail of my educational plan vitae and award me as a qualif ied competitor. Expressing gratitude toward you, Luiz Paulo Do Gado
Friday, August 21, 2020
Your Early Action Deadline Questions
Your Early Action Deadline Questions *Update as of 2015: Early action is available to both domestic and international students. The Early Action deadline is fast approaching it is this Monday, November 1. In an effort to be helpful and ease some anxiety, Im happy to answer some of your last minute questions in this thread. However, before you submit your question (in the comments below), Id like to ask you to really look for the answer here on the site theres no need to ask basic questions, for example, about standardized test requirements or statistics. If you have a question though that doesnt seem to already have been answered, though, I am more than happy to help. A few FAQs: The deadline is November 1, meaning you can submit your application any time on November 1 or before. (I dont recommend waiting until the last minute, though.) It is okay if your teacher recommendations are later than the deadline. We are very flexible with your teacher recommendations. The MyMIT Tracking is up-to-date, but please recognize that processing can take 1-2 weeks. You do not need to worry at this time about documents that are not showing on MyMIT; we currently have a backlog of materials in our processing center, and expect to have that backlog into November. Do not worry. I will check back in a few times over the weekend but not all the time, so please be patient (for example, Ill be at w00tstock most of late Sunday). Without further ado ask away! Did you all see the Halloween hack? Update Friday 10pm: Aliana wrote: I recently paid the $75 for Part 1 and then submitted Part 1. When I next went onto MyMIT,however, there was no sign that I had paid and the submit button was still there. Do you know what may have gone wrong? @Aliana: Please post another comment with the email address that you use for your MyMT account. Only I will be able to see that email address, and it will allow me to look up your application and see whats going on. Meera wrote: I am a little worried that some of my grades on my Self Reported Coursework form might be a point or two off, based on how you average the grades on my transcript. So is it okay if they are a point off, or will I be penalized? @Meera: You should fill out the Self Reported Coursework form with your transcript in front of you. As best I can tell, your school gives a grade for each semester but not a final or averaged grade. As such, you should fill out the Self Reported Coursework form by filling in the course name, then the two semester grades. Like this: Geometry 96 93 (substitute actual class you took and grades you got) In short: on the Self Reported Coursework form, you should be putting down whatever is on your transcript. Fun fact: MIT will be playing in the Quidditch World Cup next month. Update Saturday 1:30pm: Mitchell wrote: Regarding November SAT testing: Do I need to make MIT a direct score recipient or do I have time to receive the scores and send them to you myself? @Mitchell: If you make MIT a direct recipient, I can guarantee that we can consider your scores for EA; if you dont, I cant. Sarun wrote: If one of my essays is notwell, a conventional essay but it answers the question, will admissions be okay with it? I know MIT appreciates creativity but how strictly are essays evaluated? @Sarun: In the essays, were looking to learn more about you. If it accomplishes that goal, it will be a successful approach. rupesh wrote: Now i am doing B.E in nepal.H can i apply for full scholasship in MIT for M.E.? @rupesh: In short: yes, see graduate admissions. shanny wrote: I have tried to contact my EC for the last 3 weeks and he didnt respond. so I called the admissions office and they reassigned a different EC for me. I contacted him, and we scheduled to have the interview on next friday. Would it be too late for us to have the interview? Is it too late for him to send in the report? @shanny: Not at all, youll be fine. Ishwarya wrote: There were a couple of things regarding awards, honors, and activities which couldnt get on Part II of my MIT application because we were restricted to listing the top 5. To shed light on my other achievements, can I send in a resume as a supplement to my application? If so, can it be faxed directly to the admissions office? @Ishwarya: In general, I would recommend putting this in the Question 14 (Anything else?) in the Part 2. However, since youve already submitted your Part 2 (thank you for doing this in advance of the deadline!), faxing it in will be good. Download the Supplemental Document Cover Sheet from MyMIT (click on Application Forms) and fax it in along with your resume. I would recommend a 1 page resume. CW wrote: Does MIT ask for first quarter grades from Early Action applicants? @CW: We dont ask for it. If you have them now, you can put them on your self-reported coursework form in the Part 2, though. Ava wrote: Ive had the same problems as Aliana. Is it possible to check my email account? @Ava: We have your Part 1 and application fee, no problems that I can see. SL wrote: My High school didnt have a math club nor a science club, but I wanted to participate in a math or science competition. I didnt get a chance to participate in the Science Olympiads nor the math Olympiads. Does that put me at a disadvantage compared to other applicants? also, since I participated in very few competitions, I have very few things to write under the Distinctions section in the application. Does that also put me at a disadvantage? @SL: We want to see that youve made the most of your opportunities, not just in math/science but also in the rest of life. So we will evaluate you within the context of your opportunities. You dont need math/science distinctions to be admitted, but we will want to see some excitement for the analytical disciplines but you can do that in many ways. SR wrote: Is the deadline for the art supplement postmarked date? @SR: Yes. anxious wrote: Im and international applicant and got a 97 in TOEFL and 710 in maths IIC and 730 in physics. I want to know whether I have any chances with these scores or else I would take another test on Nov 5. Pls help. @anxious: Yes, we have admitted students at or around those scores. Daniel wrote: I have submitted both parts of my application, and I have one question. I know when I filled out part 2 to the app, I was asked to give names and emails of the teachers and counselor/principal that I am asking to evaluate me. Will it be sent electronically to them, or do they have to fill it out by paper and mail it in? @Daniel: You should print out the recommendation forms from MyMIT and give it to them to mail in. The contact information in Part 2 is for us to contact the teacher if we have any questions. CW wrote: In the self-reported course work section, are we supposed to put a grade for courses we are currently taking? @CW: You should certainly list all of the courses you are currently taking. If there are grades on your transcript now for those courses (e.g. first quarter grades) then you should list those on your self reported coursework as well. Luke wrote: Im reviewing my essays and a few of them are about 120 words (for the 100 word limit). I was wondering if the limit is very strict and I should cut them down or if it was just to keep them to a general length. Do you think Ill be ok without shortening them? @Luke: Youll be okay as is. I missed Nightmarket last night :( Update Sunday 11:15am: Savannah wrote: I had the same problem as Aliana, Could you check mine as well please? @Savannah: It doesnt look like your Part 1 was submitted. I would try to submit it again. If you find you have been charged the application fee multiple times, let us know and we will reverse the charges. Catherine wrote: I sent my SAT scores to MIT when I first took the tests, about a year ago. But on the tracker page testing requirements is not checked off. How do I know if MIT got the scores? Do I need to send them again? @Catherine: If you comment again with the email address you signed up for your MyMIT account with, I can look into your situation. anon wrote: I took the SAT test twice. One of my tests has all my best scores. Do I need to send in both sets of scores? @anon: Not for MIT. Isaque wrote: I have been taking some courses at MIT. Even though these courses wont count for college credit, all my psets and exams are graded. However, these courses appear in my high school transcript just as Dual Enrollment. Should I list them in the Self-reported course work as Dual Enrollment or should I use the actual name of the courses? Another question: Should I also list the courses that I am taking this year or just the courses that I already took? @Isaque: I would list the name of the course, perhaps with a short note of what it is. For example: MIT 18.01 (independent study for credit) Also, yes, you should list the courses you are currently taking as well as courses already taken. Erik wrote: I am sending in a trumpet supplement, and have it almost completed, but I was wondering: I play piano actively and compete with piano solos, but havent had a piano teacher since middle school. Can I still send in a Music Supplement without a Letter of Recommendation? @Erik: I would give it a shot. LA wrote: If I report my SAT scores today (October 30) can I be sure MIT will get them in time? @LA: Yes. Tanner wrote: My schools transcript shows only the letter grades of each semester. Should I try and find, or else remember the percentage grade, or should I just type the letter grade? Also, I took a year of German in Middle School, I tested a year of German in High School, and I have taken enough music classes that they wont all fit in the additional classes. How should I communicate these classes? @Tanner: Sorry if my example above for Meera was confusing. Since her school gives semester grades on a 0-100 scale, she should list those. Since your school gives semester grades on an A-F scale, you should report those. And for your additional classes, you could put multiple music classes on one line. For example: Band (every semester 9-12) A That assumes you had mostly the same grade each semester. Other options would be to note it in the Anything about your schools grading system box or in the Anything else? box at the end. Sarah wrote: My counselor left on sick leave, so a different counselor wrote my letter of rec. However I already submitted Part II with the other counselors name. Is that ok? @Sarah: Yes, thats fine. LA wrote: I have taken both SAT Biology and SAT Chemistry. Should I report both? If so, where/how? @LA: You are welcome to send both scores to us. You need not write both scores on the app. Max K. wrote: I won a full-scholarship to the University of Illinois for my participation in Science Olympiad. I put my accomplishments in my particular events on the application, but I am wondering if MIT would like to hear about the scholarship as well. I have one more blank on my scholastic distinctions section and I am wondering if you think it is appropriate to include. Would MIT rather not know about scholarships other schools are offering? @Max: I say go ahead and write it in the extra blank. It sounds like its something to be proud of. Joseph wrote: I have already submitted all of my application materials, but it appears that I made a slight error with the Self-Reported Coursework. I only put the final grade, as in the one I received in June, omitting the January grades which were required as well. Is this a problem? Or is it fine considering youll be having my transcript handy? @Joseph: I wouldnt worry about it. It was an honest mistake, and as you note, we will have your transcript on hand. Rupa wrote: Ive taken a lot of AP and IB classes, but there arent enough spaces for all of my exam scores/AP and IB classes. Should I put that in #14 of Part 2, or send in a score report? Also, I just recently convinced my school to start doing the Physics Olympiad this year, so I dont have any scores or anything for it, but Ive been studying/practicing for it, so can I put it as a club/activity that I do, or no? @Rupa: Putting it in #14 would work. And you can absolutely but Physics Olympiad down as an activity. Rupa wrote: Also, my school doesnt provide numerical scores on transcripts, etc. and I dont have all my old tests/hw/quizzes/etc. from years ago, to calculate it, can I just report letter grades for the self-reported coursework? Also, are there certain requirements for what is in the art portfolio, or can it be any art we want to send in? @Rupa: Sorry if my example above for Meera was confusing. Since her school gives semester grades on a 0-100 scale, she should list those. Since your school gives letter grades, you should report those. All I know about the art portfolio is written here. I think you can send in whatever you like. Maria wrote: I live in Korea. And Korea has a long winter break. I want to indicate my winter activities as well. Can I just do it under summer activities? (or are you just asking for what I did for summer?) @Maria: I think winter activities, given your long break, would be appropriate if youd like to list them. Ayantu wrote: Im putting finishing touches and checking my application for any errors and I have a question about the short answer section. When answering the questions I wrote vignettes for some of them instead of giving direct answers. What I wrote still answers the questions, just not in an overt way. Is that ok? I also had a question about SAT subject tests. I recently retook the reasoning test and saw a huge improvement and I think I might be able to improve on the subject tests as well. Is it generally frowned upon to retake subject tests? @Ayantu: If you have answered the questions, Im sure youll be fine. And it is not frowned upon to retake subject tests. Simon wrote: Under Subjects taken or to be taken, should I mark calculus if I am self studying for the AP exam, but not enrolled in any formal course? @Simon: Sure. You could even write, AP Calculus (self study). Kevin: It shouldnt be a huge deal, since we have your official scores. Feel free to drop us a quick email with the correction and well add it to you file. Trent wrote: When can we start on next years application? Is it different enough that it matters? Can I send my teacher recomendation early? @Trent: You can start working on next years application next summer. I have no idea how similar or different next years app will be. Please do not send your recommendation letters until next fall. PlzAnsMe wrote: Can i still apply for undergraduate admission to MIT, without being at a disadvantage?? or is there an upper age limit ??? Im 23 years old now. Also, since its been 6 long years, i have absolutely no contact with my school, and thus the teachers, so it would be impossible for me to get any sort of teacher recommendations. @PlzAnsMe: You are welcome to apply; we have no age limits. You wont need teacher recommendations, but we will want to see some recommendations, perhaps from a current boss or colleague, as well as transcripts from your former school. Hyo wrote: I have a question about sending the teacher evaluations and secondary school report. My guidance counselor said that our school is using the Naviance system to upload and send the documents to colleges. Yesterday, he said that he sent all my recommendation letters and school reports via Naviance. When I logged in to My MIT account and checked the application tracking section, it says that MIT hasnt received them yet. Does it take some time for the documents to get processed? @Hyo: Yes. Please be patient as we process tens of thousands of documents. Ill let you know when youll need to be concerned about missing materials, probably in two weeks or so. Jack wrote: Im a junior applying for admission. I am able to leave high school early (Ive taken math through calculus, 5 years of sciences, etc.,) however I would not do so unless I was admitted this year. Should I still fill out the Are you graduating from secondary school early or without a diploma? question? @Jack: Yes, you should. It wont put you at any disadvantage (I had to fill out that question too!). Heres a historical MIT Halloween hack for you: the Great Pumpkin, Halloween 1962. Update: Sunday early evening, pre-w00tstock Marcel wrote: I studied outside of the U.S until 10th grade, the grading system is different from the one here, I however wrote the courses down in the Self-reported work but without the grades and then sent a transcript from my school to MIT Admission. Is that okay? @Marcel: That is okay. It would also be okay to write down the grades from the other schooling system, as we are familiar with many. Jack wrote: A few quick things on the SRCW section: Should we include classes that we are currently taking, even if we dont have the grades? And how do we include classes taken over the Summer, or high school classes taken before 9th grade? Also, for the What department appeals to you? essay, should we talk about details of MITs program, or just the discipline in General? A small last-minute concern, sorry. @Jack: Yes, you should include current classes and summer classes. You are welcome to also include pre-HS HS classes if you have room. For the department/program essay, some people have done one or the other, and some both. Kay wrote: For the awards section, what is the level of distinction for Book Awards? The Rensselaer Medal? I know recipients are selected by their respective high schools, but students throughout the state and nation get them. @Kay: Theres no good answer to your question; Im sorry that our app forces you to have to choose one. Some students have chosen school, some have chosen national or international. All of these are technically right, and no matter what you choose, I assure you we do know about the Rensselaer Medal and most Book Awards. Raluca wrote: Would it be acceptable to fax a resume as Supplemental Material that includes a research paper abstract + laypersons summary and a longer description of a couple of my activities than there is room for on the application? I know that research paper abstracts and summaries should be included in the optional section of Part 2, but I also wanted to include an additional essay there and if I added the abstract as well, it would be over a page. @Raluca: Sure; be certain to include the Supplemental Documents Cover Sheet. EL wrote: I was thinking about sending a 600-word essay that reveals my choppy childhood (Ive moved between quite a few times since I was born) and a lesson I gleaned from my parents constant moving. The essay is something I would have loved to fit into the prompt about describing the world I come from, but I am unable to condense it to 200-250 words without compromising the meaning of the essay. What do you suggest I do? @EL: You are welcome to send the essay as a supplemental essay, perhaps using Question 14 if it fits. JDM wrote: Is there any particular browser you use to look at the URL we submit in Part 2? Of course it will be standards-compliant and should work universally, but I wouldnt want to miss testing one that turns out to be important :P @JDM: It will probably be Safari or Firefox on a Mac. Happy November 1! Its EA deadline day! Update Monday 10:15am: Elise wrote: I have a separate letter of recommendation from a program Id like to provide and Ive already sent my entire application in. How do I get this added to my application packet? @Elise: Download the Supplemental Document Cover Sheet from MyMIT (click on Application Forms) and fax it in. victor wrote: Im visiting MIT on the 1st and 2nd, would it be appropriate to hand-deliver supplemental materials if Im going to mail them anyways? @victor: Youre welcome to do that (it wont give you any bonus points, though). Have a great visit! John wrote: I have a question about financial aid. I have already applied Early Action. Do I need to send in as CSS Profile BEFORE February 15 (i.e. Is there a different deadline for EA applicants)? What about the FAFSA? @John: There is no separate financial aid deadline for EA vs. RA applicants. You can turn in your Profile/FAFSA/etc. anytime before February 15. There is no advantage for turning it in today vs. on February 15. Kevin wrote: The website says that MIT notifies early applicants by mid-December. Does this mean that we could find out anywhere from November 1st through mid-December or does MIT wait to notify everyone in mid-December? @Kevin: We will notify everyone on the same date in mid-December. Zoe wrote: For the music supplement, is there any sort of required formatting for the music resume? Is a bulleted list okay? @Zoe: Sounds great! Tim K. wrote: I read Tanners question from yesterday, and your response. When I was filling out the Self Reported Coursework section, I thought I was following the directions when I just listed the most recent class first, followed by previous classes, in the Other Subject Area section, until I ran out of room. In other words, I did NOT list all of my other classes, since they wouldnt all fit. I didnt list them anywhere on the application. I wasnt worried about it, because I knew youd have my transcript in hand. Is my interpretation of the instructions just fine? (I listed all courses taken in all the main academic subjects. Its just the Other subjects that I didnt list in full.) @Tim: You need not worry. We will see your transcript. Grant wrote: Last spring break i visited MIT, and i did some cool things there, such as talk to some profeseurs. Do you think that i could talk about that visit in the optional section on section 9 of the part 2, or do you think that that does not fit the prompt? Or do you think that it should go somewhere else on the form? @Grant: That would be fine. Andy wrote: I want to send a supplemental video regarding my job as an entertainer with my application. Can I do so by sending it on a CD with a letter explaining the video via the United States Postal Service? I should be able to get it postmarked by November 1st. @Andy: That would work. Any chance you could post the video online? Danielle wrote: Today i submitted my application! BUT an hour later i realized that i forgot to add one of my most important summer activities!!!!!! I have to say that i am freaking out!! What can i do such that it can be added on to my application!?!?! @Danielle: No need to freak out. Feel free to drop us an email and ask that the email be added to your file. Rupa wrote: This is a very last minute question, but I just googled MIT essays tips to see if there were any tips for writing the essays/proofreading them which might be helpful, and I found that someone, a few years ago, had written an essay on a topic very similar to minehow our physics teachers have influenced us. Ive already done my essay and edited it and everything, and I dont want to change it, but Im afraid that it will hurt me that someone else has written a similar essay and posted it on the internet. Should I rewrite my essay? Or just make sure to include specific examples so its obvious that my teacher is different, especially since the essays are not very similar in any aspects other than that mine is also about how my physics teacher has influenced me? The ways my teacher has influenced me are different. Should I change me essay? @Rupa: I dont think you need to change it. There arent really any unique essay topics anyway. I care more about you and what I can learn about you than how unique your essay is. So as long as your essay gives me insight into you as a person, it will be a successful essay. Erik wrote: Using the Online Application, can you submit up until 11:59 on November 1st, or do you have to click submit by 12:00am tonight (October 31st)?? @Erik: As I wrote above: The deadline is November 1, meaning you can submit your application any time on November 1 or before. (I dont recommend waiting until the last minute, though.) Ashtyn wrote: I submitted my application before midnight. I forgot one thing: descriptions of my 5 extracurriculars! Would this really hurt me or is there a way to write to MIT my descriptions? @Ashtyn: Feel free to drop us an email with the descriptions and ask that the email be added to your file. Alex wrote: I submitted my application already. But on the self-reported course work, I didnt put down the classes that I was currently taking because I havent received grades in those classes yet. Is that ok? @Alex: As long as we know what classes you are taking through some other means. So if your current classes are listed on your transcript, or if your guidance counselor has told us about them, you should be okay. I would check in with your guidance counselor. Noah wrote: Is there any way to confirm the receipt of supplemental recommendations and other materials? @Noah: Only the required portions of the application are on the tracking system. Music and art supplements are not tracked. You can check on supplemental recommendations and other such supplements in a few weeks by calling admissions. Tony wrote: Is there a specific date where EA decisions will be released or will it be sometime mid December? Thanks. @Tony: We will announce the decision date at a later time. It will be sometime in mid-December. yetanotherhopeful wrote: Im all set for applying this summer. But circumstances at home suggest Ill have to apply next year. Is it ok? Ive already created a MyMIT account. Ive even written the essays. Can I just leave it as it is and apply next year? @yetanotherhopeful: Youll need to start an all new application next year. Brian wrote: I am a student from Myanmar (Burma). I want to ask you some questions. Unlike US high schools, Myanmar schools offer student up to 10th grade. All students graduating from high schools can get higher education at national universities. But I didnt attend at any university and prepared for the standardized tests and others to apply MIT for the admissions to class of 2015. 1. For my status, from which grade should my transcript include in my secondary school report? Should my transcript include grade and scores from 8th grade to 10th grade? 2. I am now ambivalent concerning the standardized test scores? If I submit both TOEFL and SAT, am I at a disadvantage or advantage? Do you prefer both scores to TOEFL scores only? Because MIT is competitive, can submitting both scores have advantages? 3. From whose address (my schools or mine) should include in my secondary school reports form, and others? Who has to send these forms, my principal, teachers or I? 4. If my teachers and principal dont use the email in their daily lives, what should I fill in my recommendars email address box? 5. I have take SAT subject tests,and sent the scores to MIT as my recipient; however, at MyMIT, the testing requirement box is not marked. Is it because I havent taken and sent my TOEFL scores to MIT? @Brian: 1. Yes. 2. We only require one or the other; you are welcome to submit both. 3. Somewhere in the application, we will want both your address and the address of your school. The forms may be mailed/posted by you or by the school. 4. You could leave it blank or write no email. 5. Thats right, we are missing TOEFL or SAT. Brian wrote: 1. If my country uses the national matriculation exam as the entrance for the national university, is the completion certificate needed? 2. What do you mean by the summary in the principal evaluation? 3. I havent conducted the scientific research with the mentor; however, I have done my own research in my home. Is it possible for my condition if I explain and send the the research paper as the additional material? 4. I have some difficulties with the evaluation letters A and B. Unlike my personal essays, evaluation letters cannot be typed at online but I understand that case. My problem is that how my teacher should complete that form. I mean, do they need to write with pen or pencil or type? If these forms are written by pen or pencil, I think the space dont have enough space. What should I do? 5. I have planned to explain a brief Myanmar education ,grading system and others. Is the section 9 of the part 2 the right place to do so? @Brian: 1. Not required but recommended if you have it. 2. We mean what it says: Attach an appraisal, assessing personal and academic qualities that may be indications of promise as a college student. We are seeking a complete picture. It should include both strong and weak points, general qualities of maturity, independence and character, as well as more specific details like goals and aspirations, special talents and the things that arouse the students enthusiasm. Ultimately, we must compare all of our applicants and try to choose those who will find MITs challenges most satisfying. 3. Yes. 4. Teachers may respond written or typed, and may do so on our form and/or attach additional sheets. 5. That would work, yes. Thair wrote: Despite your numerous advices regarding the recommendation letters, I still have the unclear facts because I have neither seniors nor mentors to instruct me. Are the evaluation forms A and B is the same as sample letters depicting in the information for schools? I mean my teachers need both to complete the forms A and B and to write the (additional) recommendation letters just like sample letters in the writing evaluation informing the school officials? @Thair: Im sorry, Im not really sure what youre asking, and I cant find you in our MyMIT database with the email youve provided. Try asking your question again phrased differently and using your MyMIT account email address. Brian wrote: I am a student from Myanmar(Burma). I am now facing with the difficulties regarding the essay and short questions limits. All of my essays and answers are beyond the word limits; however, they are not too long to annoy you. I dont want to abridge my essays because I see nothing to cut it. If I cut it, I think, doing so will detract both qualities and meanings of my essays. Is it OK for me to submit without shortening it? @Brian: We do not have any formal penalties for exceeding the word count, nor do we count words. However, we do believe that good answers can be provided within the word limit. Matthew S. wrote: I took Algebra and Spanish 1 both in 8th grade. I was wondering what I should mark for the grade level. Should I mark 9th grade so that I dont have any missing spaces, or do I leave it blank and mention this at the end under the additional information section? @Matthew S.: Either way works; I think Id leave it blank and write under course name: Algebra (8th grade) or something like that. Lee-Lincecum 2 is quite a battle! Scoreless through 6 Update: Monday 9:40pm Morgan wrote: I marked on part one of my application that I was going to apply EA but sitting here on deadline day Im sure i wont be able to get in all my materials by the end of the day today. Will i be penalized in any way? @Morgan: You can switch to Regular Action without penalty; just email us. DP wrote: What is the process for athletic recruits applying EA? @DP: The process is the same as for all other applicants. Andy wrote: Yup, Ive already got the video online. Would it be better to give you a link to the Youtube page? How should I go about doing that? @Andy: Theres a place for a link in Part 2. If youve already submitted, you can email the office with the link and ask for it to be added to your app. Rupa wrote: For recruiting for swimming, is there an upper cutoff time for events? Im on a very competitive swim team, and I absolutely LOVE swimming, but I dont know if Id be good enough in all the strokes to be on the varsity team. Im really only good at my events. Thanks. @Rupa: These questions are best posed to Dawn, the swimming coach. Id recommend being in touch with her; it will never be a negative thing for your app. Shaun wrote: I gave an evaluation form to a math teacher earlier this year, but he wasnt sure he would get to it in time, so I gave it to another teacher. I found out today that both turned in the forms and my guidance counselor sent them both. Will this be a problem? @Shaun: One too few A evaluations is a problem; one too many is no problem. Reflection wrote: I submitted part 2 last night. I realize all the question together did not really allow me to fully hightlight my academic interest. Is it ok to send a one-page essay to supplement that? @Reflection: It would be okay, but my guess is your app will be fine as is. Ante wrote: For the Green Card Copy, should I include a copy of my passport as well? If I have asked multiple teachers of the same type (such as Evaluation B) to submit recommendations, will all their recs be processed or will only the first one received be considered? Right now I see a checkmark for one of the evaluation types but I dont know how many of it has been received. @Ante: We only will need the Green Card. And, all of your B evaluations will be processed in two weeks or so, youre welcome to call to see which supplemental letters we have. SR wrote: I have already turned in my application. But in the Self-report coursework portion, I listed my classes in chronological order instead or listing the current classes first. Is this acceptable? @SR: Yes, Id guess that about half of the Self-reported Coursework Forms I see I filled out in tht way. Raluca wrote: I tried to fax some supplemental materials yesterday and just realized that I made a mistake and they probably didnt go through. Is it too late to resend them today? @Raluca: Its not too late. Clinton wrote: I accidentally submitted Part I the other day with a request for a fee waiver. However, I realized right after submitting it that it was the weekend before deadline dates, and that I will not be able to have my counselor fill out the fee waiver form for me with a time stamp of November 1st (today, doh). Can I still get the fee waiver? Also, I have panicked over the weekend about the payment and I have attempted to resort to pay by credit card, but there is no way for me to do so. I have already submitted my Part II and everything else is finished (letter of recommendations, interview report) and waiting to be processed. Do I still have time to work out the payment or is it too late? @Clinton: If you qualify for a fee waiver, do not pay the application fee. Its okay to get us a fee waiver of any sort (SAT, NACAC, whatever) as soon as you can; try to have this done in the next week or so if you can, but it need not be today or tomorrow. Youll be okay. Anonymous wrote: On my application,I accentually wrote that I won an award in 2010 instead of 2009, should I worry about this? @Anonymous: I cant think of situations where an honest mistake like this would be a problem. Paul wrote: Ive submitted a letter of recommendation from my English instructor in 10th grade whom also has been the journalism instructor in 10th and 11th grade. I believe he has gotten to know me a lot better through the journalism courses, but I listed in the application that he is my English teacher. Should I have listed him as journalism instructor rather than English instructor? @Paul: Nope, English is fine. At this point two hours or so before the deadline Im going to close this thread, since Ill be going to bed! I hope most of you have already pressed the submit button. Best wishes!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Profile of Serial Killer Jerry Brudos, AKA the Lust Killer
Jerry Brudos was a shoe fetishist, serial killer, rapist, torturer, and necrophiliac who stalked women around Portland, Oregon in 1968 and 1969. The Early Years Jerry Brudos love for shoes began at the age of five after he rescued a pair of high-heel shoes from the garbage. As he grew older, his unusual interest in shoes developed into a fetish which he satisfied by breaking into homes to steal shoes and womens underwear. When he was in his teens he added violence to his repertoire and began knocking down girls, choking them until they were unconscious, then stealing their shoes. At age 17 he was sent to the Oregon State Hospital psychiatric ward after he confessed to holding a girl at knife-point in a hole he dug in the side of a hill for the purpose of keeping sex slaves. There he forced her to pose nude while he took pictures. Brudos was released from the hospital after nine months, even though it was clear he had developed a need to act out his violent fantasies towards women. According to his hospital records, his violence toward women developed from a deep hatred he felt for his mother. Married With Children Once out of the hospital he finished high school and became an electronics technician. Whether he refrained from acting out on his obsessions over the next few years or he just didnt get caught is unknown. What is known is that he married, moved to Portland, Oregon and he and his wife had two children. His mother later joined the family in their small suburban home. Brudos relationship with his wife began to falter after he approached her dressed in womens underwear. Up to that point, she had gone along with his strange bedroom habits, including his request that she walk around the house nude. Rejected by her lack of understanding of his need to wear womens underwear, he retreated to his workshop which was off-limits to the family. No longer intimate, the two remained married despite his wife discovering pictures of nude women and an odd molded breast among her husbands possessions. Brudos Known Victims Between 1968 and 1969 women in and around the Portland area began to disappear. In January 1968, Linda Slawson, 19, working as a door-to-door encyclopedia salesperson, happened to knock on Brudos door. He later confessed to killing her, then cutting off her left foot to use as a model for his collection of stolen shoes. His next victim was Jan Whitney, 23, whose car broke down while driving home from college in November 1968. Brudos later admitted to strangling Whitney in her car, then having sex with her body and bringing her corpse back to his workshop where he continued to violate the body for several days while it hung from a hook on his ceiling. Before disposing of her body he cut off her right breast in order to make a mold from it in the hopes of making paperweights. On March 27, 1969, Karen Sprinker, 19, vanished from the parking garage of a department store where she was to meet her mother for lunch. Brudos later confessed to forcing her into his car at gunpoint, then bringing her to his workshop where he raped her and forced her to put on various womens underwear and pose for pictures. He then killed her by hanging her from the hook in his ceiling. As with his other victims, he violated her corpse, then removed both breasts and disposed of her body. Linda Salee, 22, became Brudos next and last known victim. In April 1969 he kidnapped her from a shopping mall, brought her to his home and raped and then strangled her to death. Like all of his victims, he disposed of her body in a nearby lake. The End of the Killing Spree During the two-year killing spree, Brudos attacked several other women who managed to escape. The clues they were able to provide police eventually led them to Brudos door. While in custody at police headquarters, Brudos gave a detailed confession of the four murders. A search of his home gave police the additional evidence they needed to convict Brudos of three of the four murders. Included in the evidence were various photographs he took of his victims posed in his collection of womens underwear, parts of the corpses which had been found in a lake, along with some of his victims body parts stored in his home. He was convicted and given the death penalty and a life sentence. On March 28, 2006, Brudos, 67, was found dead in his cell at Oregon State Penitentiary. It was determined that he died of natural causes. Source Rule, Ann. Lust Killer. Books: Lust Killer by Ann Rule
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Swot Analysis Of Starbucks Coffee Company Singapore Essay
1.0 Introduction This report will focus in making a PESTEL Porter’s Five Focuses of Starbucks Coffee Company Singapore. The nature of business of Starbucks is primarily coffee and beverages industry. Advanced Singapore was established in the 19th centuries by Sir Stamford Raffles. Singapore get a self-sufficient and sovereign equitable country on the 9th August 1965. With respect to 22 December 1965, it turned into a republic, with Yusof Bin Ishak as the republic s Initially President. Thereafter commenced Singapore s battle until survive and flourish ahead its identity. With the British Government s sudden demise choice in 1967 should withdraw its military from Singapore by the end of 1971, Singapore set out on develop its identity or guard drives. Singapore entered the 1970s as a politically stable state with a high economic growth rate. The populace is settled on dependent upon for Malays, Chinese, Indians and Eurasians. Starbucks opens its first store in 1971 at Seattle’s Pike Place Market, Washington, United States. As for Starbuck Singapore opens its first store in 14 December 1996 at Liat Towers. Starbucks sells premium handcrafted coffees, teas, ice beverages, food and etc. Starbucks is named after Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and their logos is influenced by the ocean – emphasizing a twin tailed siren with Greek Mythology. The ambience of the store is designed to be cosy and comfortable for patrons who is looking for peace and quiet place from home, school andShow MoreRelatedThe Swot Analysis For Starbucks1359 Words  | 6 PagesMoving towards the SWOT analysis, it is a valuable system for surveying an organization and its surroundings, condensing the primary environmental issue as circumstances and risk confronting an organization (Palmer, A.2012). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
England Was The Most Powerful Country For A Very Long Time.
England was the most powerful country for a very long time. They were unbeatable. In the history of our world, Europe had been dominant over any region. However, England was the main leader. England conquered various parts throughout the world and colonized the land and took total control, bringing in money, jewelry, and lot of other resources to England. Since America was separate from the world and no one knew it even existed, England started to colonize it as soon as Columbus spread the word, came along other European countries like France, with whom British had conflicts and caused the Seven Years War and the American Revolution. The colonist were mistreated and taken advantage by the British by being taxed unfairly. The first†¦show more content†¦In response to the Coercive act,the colonists created The first Continental congress, and united with the Americans in order to Oppose against the British. After the British resistance to change, the continental congress began passing laws to eliminate the British Authority in the colonies. In 1776, the continental congress gathered the states to form their own government, which was later drafted by Thomas Jefferson known as the Declaration of Independence. On July 1776, the continental congress voted to approve a proposal to separate from Britain. Two days later, the declaration was adopted in the other 12 colonies. As the declaration was signed on August 2nd, the independence war went on for about five years. Declaration of Independence was announced on July 4, 1776. It was on the second gathering of the continental government in Philadelphia. It led to war and declared the colonies as newly independent sovereign states. As the progress towards the independence was running, Thomas Paine, a political activist, who also argued in the favor or independence of the colonies. Paine was like a middleman for both sides, England in America and the people from the colonies. Even though his wordsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Absolutism1385 Words  | 6 Pagesperiod, France and England went through very dramatic and very different government change. At the beginning of this time period, England had achieved relative stability, due largely in part to Elizabeth I long and successful reign. On the other hand, France had been subjected to numerous civil and religious wars, therefore leading to instability. F rench absolutism was largely a result of these crises and tragedies, with the country recognizing the need for a strong, powerful leader, which theyRead MoreThe Causes of World War 1 Essay843 Words  | 4 Pagesas The Great War), was caused by a great many elements, some long-term, some short-term and the spark. Together these reasons created a brutal war involving many countries across the globe and also killing a vast number of the world’s population. 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Also was good enough to become the ruler of more than just, Wessex. He leads Mercia into his great victory also. In my essay, I will describe many events of Alfred. I will also show how those eventsRead MoreAn Analysis of Why Nations Fail902 Words  | 4 Pages Descriptive Why Nations Fail takes an in depth look into why some countries flourish and become rich powerful nations while other countries are left in or reduced to poverty. Throughout this book review I will discuss major arguments and theories used by the authors and how they directly impact international development, keeping in mind that nations are only as strong as their political and economical systems. Extractive institutions are used throughout this book to explain that the upper classRead MoreImpact Of The Industrial Revolution On New Imperialism1164 Words  | 5 PagesAllison Miller 12/14/2015 McNally P3 â€Å"White man’s burden†or racism? Topic Choice #1: Analyze the impact of the Industrial Revolution on New Imperialism Imperialism is a policy in which a nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically and socially. The motives are economics, power, influence, social Darwinism, racism, religious, and humanitarian. The Industrial revolution started when new technologies were able to revolutionize how people live, work, interact, and governRead More Political, Industrial, Military Powers of Industrial Revolution1089 Words  | 5 Pagesdirected at cotton weaving as a result of limited technology. Because of this limited technology people were slow in inventing other types of machines. This of was a time of drastic change and transformation from the use of mere hand tools to using powerful machines. A problem with these revolutionary machines was the amount of pollution that was produced, such as CO2, and the faulty methods in which these pollution problems were dealt with. Industrial power, military power, and political power were
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sanskrit drama Essay Example For Students
Sanskrit drama Essay On a basic level of meaning the song just implies the movement of bees around the crest of the sirisa flower which are worn by women. Nati gives an erotic note to this where the bee represents a passionate lover kissing his beloved. Structure of Sanskrit drama is identified in five stages, called Avasthas or states of mind in plot movement. The five Avasthas are â€Å"Aarambh or the beginning, Yatna or the effort (to bring out the rasa), Prapthyasha or the prospect, Niyatapti or the removal of obstacles, Phalagam which refers to obtaining the desired result†(Sanskrit drama – introduction). In Sakuntalam the linearity of this structure can be traced. Aarambh or the beginning is the Nandi or the invocation and the subsequent prologue, Yatna is to be seen at the point where Dusyanta and Sakuntala falls in love and their romance intertwined in the sentiments of sringara, both vipralambha and samyoga, Prapthyasha could consist of the events beginning from Sakuntala’s separation from Dusyanta, including the curse of Durvasav until Niyapati which comprises the straightening out of all the conflicts faced by the hero and the heroine. Finally Phalagam is the happy ending of the play which is the possible reunion of the major characters. The microcosmic world created by the dramatist includes the semi dramatic world- Purvaranga, comprises the music, performance, dance followed by the Nandi and Prastavana and the completely dramatic world i.e.; the play proper. There is thus a transition of the audience from the world of everyday reality to a dramatic world of the play proper. This is accomplished with the introduction of music and dance, the invocation or Nandi and the hinting within the Nandi through the speeches of the sutradhara and other minor characters. The play proper is meta-drama with reference to the prastavana or prologue. The concept of meta –drama or play within a play gives rise to the idea of the multiple roles of the sutradhara. In Sakuntalam, the sutradhara is the stage director as well as the creator and he holds the thread of the play and the action by doubling his identity as the director and the hero. In Sakuntalam, Dusyanta is the alter ego of the Sutradhara. Dusyanta, a king of the lunar race, happens to see sakuntala in the course of his hunting expedition and falls in love with her at first sight itself. This leads to their marriage according to the gandhrava rites. The story then proceeds to Dushyanta’s life as a king oblivious of the existence of his son. Sakuntala, who is cursed by sage durvasa, goes to the king but Dusyanta is unable to recognize her. Later however, the king remembers everything at the sight of the signet ring that he had given her. The play ends on a happy note of a possible reunion of the hero and the heroine. Kalidasa has however made a few additions to the story of sakuntala in the Mahabharata. The simple and quite unromantic account in the Mahabharata, is transformed thus. In the Mahabharata, sakuntala herself narrates the history of her birth to the king and their marriage is not a problem to them. Kalidasa created two characters, Anasuya and Priyamvada to make this entire situation more romantic and charming. The innocent and simple life of sakuntala and her maidens and the frankness of their minds are presented at the very beginning of the play proper to enhance the beauty of the play. Another deviation from the original is that sakuntala agrees to marry Dusyanta in the gandharva form of marriage on the condition that the son born to them should be recognized as the heir to his throne. Yet kalidasa with his imaginative genius weaves a tale so beautiful that the original is almost forgotten. â€Å"The curse of the sage Durvasas, the loss of the ring in the tirtha, and the consequent forgetfulness of the king are all a result of kalidasa’s creative excellence.†(Kale 47) The last two acts are purely original though. .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 , .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .postImageUrl , .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 , .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713:hover , .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713:visited , .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713:active { border:0!important; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713:active , .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713 .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u65e56c55b5d61f0c757ba20a88915713:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Flowers For Algernon EssayApart from the deviations and the structural implications like the Nandi and the prasthavana, other features of Sanskrit drama are clearly exemplified in Sakuntalam. Temporary union, separation and reunion are typical of Sanskrit plays. The first three acts of Sakuntalam could be associated with temporary union. The hunting expedition, the invitation of the hermits to Dusyanta for keeping guard in the hermitage for a few days and the love followed by the consummation of it are the three events in â€Å"ascending†order found in the first three acts. (Kale 50) Then the descent begins. The separation of the lovers and the consequent curse and loss of memory constitutes the misery of the characters. The curse of Durvasas which becomes the main reason for the separation happens in the fourth act. It develops throughout the fifth and the sixth act where there is a culmination of the pain in separation. This end when the story reaches a high point in the seventh act, where Dusyanta goes up to heaven to regain sakuntala. According to M.R Kale, Sakuntalam does not appear to have been written with the strictest attention to all canons of Sanskrit dramaturgy; only the main lines as laid down by Bharata and other old writers, have been followed. There is the benediction (Nandi) and the Bharatavakya as in the other plays. At the end of the prelude, Dusyanta who is a hero of the Dhirodatta class begins the play. Their union in marriage is the focus and the whole plot is to be rallied towards achieving this goal. On a general note, Sakuntalam is said to be the most widely read work of Kalidasa, like Raghuvamsa. It is a love drama belonging to the class of Rupakas which is known as ‘Nataka’. It is said to be highly elegant in language and style and consists of beautiful similes and comparisons. â€Å"The metres are fairly shorter and musical.†( Kale 53) The solid proof of the plays superior nature in its language and story is the very fact that it has been translated into various languages across the globe invariable of the limitations it might face in terms of tradition and culture reflected in the plot. The play however is indicative of the various conventions of Sanskrit drama and the structure of Sanskrit drama is more or less followed showing justice to the story in Vyasa Mahabharata. Bibliography Primary source – B. Stoler Miller. Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection. Kalidasa. Secondary source  Thapar. Romila. Sakuntala Texts, Readings, Histories.Columbia University Press.New Delhi, 1999. Print. M. R. Kale. The Abhinjanasakuntalam of Kalidasa.Motilal Banarsidass.Delhi.1969.Print.
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